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India's growth spurt to continue: McKinsey's Rajat Dhawan. Indian economy resilient: FM. India's economic recovery may be loosing steam: Experts. Cryptocurrencies should be used to empower democracy: PM. Nothing to boast about India's V-shaped recovery: Raghuram Rajan. Centre mulls raising capex in Centre procures The investments challenge. Employment data disappoints in November. Kaushik Krishnan 26 Aug Kaushik Krishnan 11 Aug Events in August Kaushik Krishnan 06 Aug Improvement in July Response Rates.

Kaushik Krishnan 07 Jul July Events Calendar. Kaushik Krishnan 28 Jun The uneven expansion of electricity in India: Summary. ProwessIQ is a query-able database of over 40, Indian companies. The Prowess database includes all companies traded on the National Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock Exchange, thousands of unlisted public limited companies and hundreds of private limited companies. The database is built from Annual Reports, quarterly financial statements, Stock Exchange feeds and other reliable sources.

Download ProwessIQ v1. Home FAQs. About ProwessIQ. What is ProwessIQ? ProwessIQ therefore is all about interactive querying of the Prowess database. Login Username. Forgot Password Register.

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