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Opposite of Adults Chiddy Bang. Into You feat. Tamia Fabolous, Tamia. Pack Up Eliza Doolittle. Feel Good Inc. Hard to Beat Hard-FI. Dance, Dance, Dance Lykke Li. Fabolous Tamia, Fabolous. Stars Are Blind Paris Hilton. Follow Me Uncle Kracker. Dry Your Eyes The Streets.

Last Request Paolo Nutini. New Shoes Paolo Nutini. Skinny Genes Eliza Doolittle. Love at First Sight Kylie Minogue. Heatwave feat. D Wiley, Ms. Euphoria Single Version Loreen. Hip-Hop Breakbeat Dubstep. Revolution Hip Hop Public.

Everything began when Damon Albarn, the leader of britpop band Blur decided to realese some songs in mock hip-hop style, but not under his own name. His friend Jamie Hewlett, co-creator of the comic book Tank Girl, promised to help Albarn — that is how four pictured members of Gorillaz appeared. Later, when Albarn revealed that he was a creator of Gorillaz, he asked journalists if it was a good idea, but the ansewr was 'Only deaf didn't recognize Blur's singer characteristic voice yet'.

For each Gorillaz member Albarn and Hewlett composed a full biography. For example, band's drummer Russel Hobbs was a respectful child from the School for Young Achievers, but then a demon possessed him and he mauled several other students. Gorillaz's frontmen 2D is Albarn's compatriot and, apart of singing, he has an interest in machinery. Bassist Murdoc Niccals's bad temper is explained by the fact 'he was dumped on his father's doorstep in infancy'.

Japanese girl Noodle can't speak any English beyond the word 'noodle' and was sent to Gorillaz in a crate. In Gorillaz made their fans happy: the long-awaited album Plastic Beach was finally issued. Later, when Albarn revealed that he was a creator of Gorillaz, he asked journalists if it was a good idea, but the ansewr was 'Only deaf didn't recognize Blur's singer characteristic voice yet'.

For each Gorillaz member Albarn and Hewlett composed a full biography. For example, band's drummer Russel Hobbs was a respectful child from the School for Young Achievers, but then a demon possessed him and he mauled several other students. Gorillaz's frontmen 2D is Albarn's compatriot and, apart of singing, he has an interest in machinery. Bassist Murdoc Niccals's bad temper is explained by the fact 'he was dumped on his father's doorstep in infancy'.

Japanese girl Noodle can't speak any English beyond the word 'noodle' and was sent to Gorillaz in a crate. In Gorillaz made their fans happy: the long-awaited album Plastic Beach was finally issued. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting. Albarn said he never expexted that everything would go so far.


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