By getting a computer on your local network to do some of the heavy lifting, it may be possible to increase your download speed. This is especially true for early PlayStation 4 models, which have notoriously flaky network adapters. Hold the Options key and click on the Network icon in the top-right corner of the screen.
Keep in mind that your PS4 will need to use this proxy to access the internet. The DNS servers you use determine which servers are resolved when you enter a web address. Some have theories that your choice of DNS servers affect which servers your console uses for downloads.
The best way to do this is to change your DNS servers on your router, which will affect all devices on your network. When was the last time you tested your internet speed? If your internet speed is slow to begin with, nothing you do to your PS4 is going to improve things. Test your connection using a laptop or desktop computer by going to Speedtest.
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Best Wireless iPhone Earbuds. Best eReaders. Best VPN. Consider all of the different things you and your household use the internet for to decide which speeds will be best for you:. If there are a lot of people in your house gaming, streaming, or downloading content at the same time, your connection might not be strong enough. Certain internet connection types are better for gaming because they have better upload speeds, for example, fiber is better than cable for gaming.
Use our search by zip code tool to see if your internet provider offers faster speeds, or if another provider in your area does. Step two: Give your PS4 a break. You can pause those other downloads in the notifications menu. You can also put your PS4 in rest mode to help speed up downloads. Make sure you have your PS4 set to stay connected to the internet when in rest mode.
The extra baggage from your current DNS settings can slow down your speed. Step five: Optimize your router to get a better connection.
Switch to the 5GHz band for a more reliable connection. You will need to make sure your PS4 is within a short distance of your router, or vice versa, since 5GHz works best at shorter distances. Step six: If all else fails, you may need a new internet plan.
A good internet connection type, one ideal for gaming, combined with the right internet speed can relieve your PS4 connection issues. Switch to a wired connection instead of using Wi-Fi If your PS4 WiFi connection is slow, you should consider switching to a wired connection. A menu will appear. Select the network name your currently using. The following screen will appear: 7. The update will then start automatically. Make sure your router has a 5GHz band Routers come with either a 2.
After trying these methods above, the download on PS4 will be fast. Multiple Methods Are Here! How to Speed up PS4 Downloads? Tip: If your PS4 runs slowly, what should you do? Read More. Scroll down for the next news Scroll down.