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Illusions highlight how your visual perceptions can be surprisingly off. Scenarios and games involving perspective such as the cube of fire, a distorted chair, the Ames room, and a dining table. Basketball players put on goggles that distort their perspective. Puzzles involving the spinning ballerina, Einstein's mask, and how resizing a picture can make it look like two different people. Using anamorphic art to place a cube in a room.

The subject of decisions. A demonstration of the paradox of choice in choosing ice cream. A game where the person chooses one of two people, but ends up talking about the other. Trick questions that can be answered if the person slows down to think about it. A marketing trick where placing an intermediate item in a comparison can trick the person into favoring a certain choice.

An experiment where folks end up finding differences among identical items. The brain can be exercised like muscle. Games and puzzles such as connecting nine dots with three lines, using thinking like a child to come up with creative ideas, another sleight-of-hand trick with Robbins, trick questions, using mnemonics to remember people's names, and solving a puzzle using ordinary items in a way they were not originally designed.

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BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer communications protocol for efficiently sending any type of file, large or small, over the Internet. Safe torrenting software, such as such as BitTorrent Classic, are needed to send or receive files using the protocol. With over million active torrent programs installed on home computers across the world, the protocol enables efficient distribution of files from many recipients to many downloaders.

Any file being distributed is segmented into many pieces that eventually make up the complete file. After the process has concluded, those same pieces can be seeded to become a source for other downloaders.

The unstable PPA supports Ubuntu Packages are maintained by Cristian Greco. See this page for more information. You can find more information here.

It is packaged by Ahmad Samir. To install it, make sure the online repositories are configured correctly then install it either:. One-click install here. RPM packages are maintained by Leigh Scott. The slackbuild script is maintained by David Woodfall.

Eric Hameleers is also maintaining binary packages for slackware. Those are available there. RPM packages are available here. Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Usage Public Domain Mark 1. Described by a magician as "probably the single most complete book ever written on magic. It includes both stage and close-up magic, chapters on technique, presentation, and all the peripheral skills necessary for great conjuring


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